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Competitions, categories and crew types


New CATEGORY and TYPE OF CREW were established to enable as many contestants as possible to take part in Rallye Rejviz. Special score teams of various composition were set up to be able to assess the most objective way possible.

How to register to competition?

The Rejvíz rally is open to everyone. Each competition has written categories and rules for them.

  1. You can enter the competition according to your choice and the rules.
  2. Some competitions contain further division into categories. It is necessary to choose the right category according to the requirements and composition of your team.
  3. The crew must be assembled according to the rules of the listed competitions and their categories. Thanks to this, we can evaluate all competing crews fairly.
  4. After choosing the type of crew, fill out the registration form. By submitting the form, competitors declare that their crew is composed according to the rules listed below and that they respect the conditions of participation and the rules of Rallye Rejvíz.


As part of Rallye Rejvíz, the following competitions take place:

MUC.RRMedical Students Competition
MUC. RR takes place during Wednesday.
RLPNational Competition - Physician Crews
RZPNational Competition - Paramedic Crews
Some tasks are part of Golden Headset competition.
ZSGolden Headset - national Competition EMS Dispatchers
Most tasks of Golden Headset competition take place in the RZP.
PHYSInternational Competition - Physician Crews
PARAInternational Competition - Paramedic Crews
SH PČR Police Patrol Competition
SH PČR takes place simultaneously with RLP, RZP and INT and competition tasks are included in all other competitions.
Competitions (RLP, RZP, INT) run in parallel.


STANDARD (ST)ST stands for crews composed of the contestants working in EMS.
FREESTYLE (FS)FS stands for all other competitors, the composition of crews is arbitrary (e.g. 3 physicians, 4 medical students, fire-fighters etc.).
Maximum number of crew members in FS category is 4.

Crew types and rules

CompetitionCrew typeSTANDARD (ST)
Obligatory composition
Possible composition of crew
MUC.RRMUC3 Medics*x
RLPRLP-ST1 Physician + 2 Paramedics**x
RLP-RV-ST1 Physician + 1 Paramedic + 2 Paramedics
(2 Cars)
RLP-FSx1 Physician + max. 3 Competitors
RLP-RV-FSx1 Physician + max. 3 Competitors
(2 Cars)
RZPRZP-ST2 Paramedics + 1 Dispatcher (ZS)x
RZP-FSxmax. 3 Competitors + 1 Dispatcher (ZS)
PHYSPHYS-ST1 Physician + 2 Paramedicsx
PHYS-FSx1 Physician + max. 3 Competitors
PARAPARA-ST2 Paramedicsx
PARA-FSxmax. 4 Competitors
* Medic = medical student of 4th – 6th year of Faculty of Medicine. Participation of medical students from foreign Faculties of Medicine is possible.
** Paramedic = paramedic, nurse, EMT or similar emergency medical care provider.
Mixed crews (various Faculties of Medicine or EMS) are allowed.
x = unacceptable choice

Additional rules

1) If a crew borrows a vehicle with a driver who is not competing he cannot be considered as crew member.
2) Scoring the tasks is based on ST category, therefore we respect guidelines and competencies of all crew members.
3) If minimally 5 crews occurs in either ST or FS category, the category will be scored and announced individually. If not – the category will be assessed and set on the score list without ranking.
4) In case of too many participants, ST category will be favored regardless of registration order.
5) Change of category or type of crew is possible no later than on Thursday at the registration of the competing crew.

Which competition to apply for?

You can also choose a suitable category based to the number of people and the presence of a doctor in the crew:

2 Competitors in the crew:

  • With Physician?
    • PHYS-FS (1 Physician + 1 Competitor)
  • Without Physician?
    • PARA-ST (2 Paramedics)
    • PARA-FS (2 Competitors)

3 Competitors in the crew:

  • With Physician?
    • PHYS-ST (1 Physician + 2 Paramedics)
    • PHYS-FS (1 Physician + 2 Competitors)
  • Without Physician?
    • MUC.RR (3 Medics)
    • PARA-FS (3 Competitors)

4 Competitors in the crew:

  • With Physician?
    • PHYS-FS (1 Physician + 3 Competitors)
  • Without Physician?
    • PARA-FS (4 Competitors)

Current year RR